Allison Elizabeth Brown is a Baltimore native, who has an extensive career both in the entertainment industry, as well as youth based non-profit work. She has a deep passion for the development & sustainability of minority owned businesses, and programs designed to empower minority youth. AEB Business is a enterprise focused on influencing the culture positively through narratives and products that inspire beauty, excellence, and humanity's advancement.
Services consist of...
Branding Development & Consulting
Social Media & Digital Marketing
Entertainment Development & Production
Strategic Planning
Some of Allison's professional credentials include:
For more than 5 years creating, branding, and managing several businesses for fashion virtuoso Marjorie Harvey (wife of talk show host/comedian Steve Harvey). Most notably, www.TheLadyLovesCouture.com, www.MarjorieHarveysCloset.com and Marjorie Harvey Handbags
Branding the southern gospel artist tour (Embrace the Change) for President Barack Obama's initial presidential campaign
Screenwriting both a major motion picture, a made for DVD movie release, and an on-demand movie release (on All BLK) for nationally recognized Gospel artist Deitrick Haddon. She is presently working on their 4th project.
Serving as Creative Executive for Releve Entertainment for 3 years.
Working at New Song Arts & Media in Sandtown Winchester as Executive Director, Creative Director and Staff Choreogapher
Teaching artist at Baltimore Center Stage
Compiling, Editing/Co-authoring, Good Meat Makes Its Own Gravy with Bishop Walter Scott Thomas of www.NewPsalmist.org
Among the 1st cohort of Artist-in-Residence at the Creative Alliance in Baltimore, MD
Receiving a George Soros Community Fellow grant for her extensive work in both West Baltimore and East Baltimore communities
Modeling and acting under Wilhelmina's creative talent division in NYC.
Landing a national commercial for BET.
Earning a Masters of Arts degree from UMBC in Urban Education
Graduating from the Baltimore School for the Arts as well as North Carolina School for the Arts.
She has most recently launched an exciting affordable luxury collection on The Home Shopping Network (HSN and HSN.com) as well as a luxury designer online shopping destination www.AllisonElizabethBrown.com .
Her online dynamic store offers a little bit of fabulosity for every woman!
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